It is not easy since VR design is a creative process that requires mastery of certain skills. Users may want to learn from tutorials, which are typically 2D screencast videos made from members of the community. However, there are inherent limitations of using these 2D screencast videos as tutorials in VR.
Currently, there exists only limited solutions for VR users to access a video tutorial directly in VR, making it difficult to learn 3d-painting. 2D videos fall flat in trying to deliver crucial details that are required for the user to understand actions in a VR space.
Based on previous research from the original TutoriVR research paper by Bala Kumaravel, Cuong Nguyen, Stephen DiVerdi, and Bjoern Hartmann, a successful tutorial system may have demands such as the following:
We provide a record button for the tutorial authors. When it is activated, it will record/log:
Menu Buttons
Menu Buttons include the following: Awareness Widget, Video Player, Perspective Thumbnail.
Awareness Widget
A fixed widget that shows upcoming and past alerts in the timeline so that the user can know if something important is coming up or has passed.
Video Player
Perspective Thumbnail Widget
Allowing users to better understand stroke structure and controller interactions. Can be rotated 360 degrees around the stroke and zoom in and out.