🥄 spuuuuuuuuuuuunnn 🥄
a set of utensils (spoons) designed by working together with an individual with a particular set of needs
our need knower had a disability that impacted her ability to eat independently and understand when food is/isn't ready to be consumed
so we spent some time designing a potential solution with her
in addition to interviewing our need knower, we first iterated and prototyped before creating our spoons
we worked with several different microcontrollers including the Arduino UNO, Nano, Adafruit Feather M0, Adafruit Feather Huzzah
after we got the electronics working with 1. temperature sensing, 2. accelerometers, 3. vibration, and 3. sound we made multiple copies of the spoon!
then we started designing the encasing with PLA and silicon
we needed to go through several 3D printed versions of the encasing
then we presented our project and invited the public to experience our spoons
our iterations and spoons were presented on plates in a dinner setting
the public was able to experience haptic and sound feedback when scooping hot rice - alerting them that the rice is too hot to consume
and here is a photo of James and me at the end of our showcase
we were voted for best project with storytelling