What if controllers could be and look like anything? What if you could understand others not only through a screen but also through the controller?
My desk after I finished the project
These are experimental controllers specifically for software experiences such as gaming or virtual reality.
Started off my prototyping process working with electronics and silicone
I connected a pump to the microcontroller to get a "human pulse". The pump was then connected to silicone it could blow into
Creating responsive and interactive skin with conductive string
With conductive string, I threaded each piece of string into laser-cut acrylic pieces to form a grid. I then poured Ecoflex 0030 to give it a squishy feel. On the other side, I poured Dragon Skin 10. This makes the silicone feel more real and less sticky.
Trying to mold my own hands and feet
The encasing for the skin and electronics were made from molds of my feet and hands
Taking apart skeletons and creating silicone joints
On Amazon, I bought skeletons - which I took apart to put inside of my hand and feet molds.
Feet and hand molds after fully dried
Getting the hand and feet molds out of the outer self-releasing silicon rubber was quite difficult. But I eventually got them out with some patience and help from others.
Examples of completed molds
My hands were a bit too small to fit all the electronics inside so I ended up needing to create multiple iterations and prototypes
Some materials I used and created as part of my prototyping process
Utilizing Unity Game Engine and the Arduino Serial Communication plugin, I discovered that the controller was extremely sensitive to touch signals.